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Case Study

SmartBooks 전자계산서

2022년 7월부터 E-Invoice 의무화 예정으로 많은 기업의 전환이 예고되고 있습니다.

이에 S&S는 고객의 불편함을 최소화하고 효과적으로 대처하기 위하여 SMARTBOOK 회계프로그램에 E-Invoice를 통합하였습니다.

E-Invoice 플랫폼은 VIETTEL과의 업무협약을 통하여 제공됩니다.

회계전산 시스템과 연결되어 자동적으로 처리되므로, 세금계산서 발급이 매우 편리합니다(메일, 웹사이트 통한 발행).


Date: Apr 2019
Project: SMARTBOOKS e-Invoice

Established in 2003, with about 5000 employees, 2 branches are: Haivina Gia Loc, Haivina Nam Sach, the company used Excel to manage personnel information, calculate wages, and calculate salaries. It was really difficult, incorrect data reports, wrong calculation of wages, wrong payroll, company regulations were not applied properly. That leads to employees who always have questions about the human resources department, the company’s leadership.

Why We Switched to SMARBOOKS

In decree 123/2020/NĐ-CP, all companies have to use E-Invoice replace with paper invoice, and during using Smartbooks. They could see our software’s advantages and conveniences. Pactra Sebang’s BOD decide to use E-Invoice and Viettel supplier, was issued from Smartbooks. They normally input data and after that, they could reuse data to issue-replace-adjust invoice.

Instant Results

Processes was linked together, it helped them save time, easy to manage data and more efficient, flexible

추가 사례연구

SmartBooks를 통해 위와 같은 경험을 하고 싶으신 경우 언제든지 S&S회계법인에 문의주시기 바랍니다. 귀사의 최적의 기업관리에 큰 도움이 되리라 확신합니다.

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